C&P2015: Corrosion is not an asset
Corrosion has a major economic impact on industry and the wider community. How to manage this corrosion is a challenge for owners and managers of assets ranging from suburban industrial units through to oil and gas production platforms. The design, construction and operation of buildings, processing facilities and support infrastructure represent major investments by companies, organisations and governments. Corrosion will affect these at varying rates over time, depending on the material used, the types of corrosive agents in the environment and the physical processes and mechanisms involved. In order to promote a better understanding of corrosion, the Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA) will host the Corrosion and Prevention 2015 (C&P2015) Conference that allows all industry stakeholders to meet and discuss a wide range of topics. In one stream, asset and facility management and maintenance professionals will benefit from opportunities to hear presentations by, and speak with, corrosion specialists about the importance of design, operation and repair in corrosion control. The second stream will focus on the Oil & Gas industry with technical papers from a cross-section of the industry highlighting how costly corrosion can be for the sector. C&P2015 will be held in Adelaide between 15 – 18 November. Seminars and technical papers will provide opportunities to explore best practice in corrosion management, environmental protection techniques, public safety and economics. A panel of industry experts has been assembled by the ACA to discuss the challenges and the importance of maintaining vital infrastructure. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and debate the latest techniques and practices with representatives of water and port authorities, major national consulting companies, suppliers and companies including Santos and Chevron. The P F Thomson Memorial Lecture—the keynote address of every C&P Conference since 1951—will be delivered by Dr Robert Francis covering the latest research into galvanic […]