All systems go for Australia’s first software degree apprentices
Australia’s first cohort of software engineering students to combine an apprenticeship with a degree, rubbed shoulders with defence industry leaders today in an official launch of the program at UniSA. Thirteen UniSA students have started work this year with three Adelaide defence employers – BAE Systems, submarine company ASC and electronic warfare specialists Consunet – combining work and study in their first year of a Bachelor of Software Engineering. The UniSA students will support South Australia’s growing defence sector, ahead of the construction of nuclear-powered AUKUS submarines. Following the UK’s lead, where software degree apprenticeships are delivered in conjunction with BAE System’s submarine shipyard in Barrow-in-Furness, the students are earning and learning in a fusion of academic education and practical workplace training. SA Minister for Education, Training and Skills, Blair Boyer MP, officially launched the degree apprenticeship program this morning at UniSA’s Enterprise Hub, joined by industry partners and UniSA Provost & Chief Academic Officer Professor Joanne Cys. The program is a partnership between UniSA, the State Government, the defence industry and the Australian Industry Group (Ai Group). Funded by the State Government with a $450,000 commitment over three years, the Australia-first initiative of blending university study with paid work could set a precedent for other industries depending on its success. “This is a tangible way in which the Malinauskas Labor Government is supporting key defence industries in South Australia, helping to create a skilled, qualified pipeline of employees,” Minister Boyer says. UniSA Vice Chancellor Professor David Lloyd says the degree apprenticeship is a natural fit for UniSA. “We are extremely proud to lead the country in co-designing this Australia-first program with industry and the State Government. “The apprenticeship is designed to embed software engineering students into SA’s defence sector from day one. By learning – and earning – on […]