Q & A: Scott McPherson, SGESCO-MAX Managing Director
Tell readers what you do? SGESCO-MAX is a specialist in heavy vehicle safety. We design and manufacture a range of innovative, high-quality solutions to help solve our customer’s complex safety challenges. Some of our key safety systems include: – Anti-rollaway brake system – Blindspot monitoring (radar and vision) – Pedestrian protection (Artificial Intelligence) – Occupant safety on buses SGESCO-MAX enables customers to achieve their Chain of Responsibility (CoR) primary duties by providing greater community safety. We manufacture our solutions at our Brisbane-based factory at Archerfield. As SGESCO-MAX’s Managing Director, my role is to ensure that the company continues to add value to our customers and stay relevant. I’m committed to creating a great workplace for our staff, paying our suppliers on time, building strong partnerships, and providing excellent customer service. Another significant part of my role is ensuring we have the right systems in place. My experience in IT taught me the value of technology in driving business success. What recent developments in the company have made it more refined with processes? Since our inception in 1962, efficiency has been embedded in our culture with the motto ‘Economy through Efficiency’. However, our transition in 2020 from a service to a manufacturing-oriented business opened the door for a review of our procedures and processes, given the shift and new focus. The review highlighted that the legacy ERP system was hampering the business – with many processes dedicated to what the system could do instead of what the company needed. Hence, the goal is to find a new system that would enable our business to move forward. The technology used? We implemented the Wiise Enterprise Resource Planning system, based on Microsoft’s Business Central, around 18 months ago. Your company is now more manufacturing focussed…explain the transition? For the first 58 years, SGESCO-MAX […]