Pivotal moment for Australia’s energy future
The Australian Energy Market Commission’s proposal for a 100 percent rollout of smart meters by 2030 is an opportunity for Australia to “build it right” the first time. Philip Crosby was a legendary businessman and management specialist who said it is less expensive to do it right the first time than to pay for rework. His words still ring true today. The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has embarked on a plan to deliver a more efficient and lower-cost energy system. The Commission believes that smart meters are vital to achieving this goal as they will meet the country’s decarbonisation goals while also building an energy system that will support emerging technologies and services. In November 2022, AEMC released its Review of regulatory framework for metering services. The Commission is proposing a 100 percent uptake of smart meters by 2030 in National Electricity Market (NEM) jurisdictions – a laudable and achievable target. And here, Crosby’s words are particularly relevant. By making intelligent decisions today, Australia has the opportunity to build an efficient and effective energy monitoring and management system – and build it right the first time, without expensive and avoidable rework down the line. It’s time for real time The electricity meter can be the heart of an efficient and effective energy strategy. “Intelligent meters can deliver critical benefits to consumers, grid operators, and energy retailers while future-proofing investments,” says Michael Jary, Managing Director International, Sense. “A smart meter can also improve customer engagement and satisfaction, but crucial to achieving these goals is real-time and detailed device detection, consumption insights, and in-home intelligence,” says Jary. The Commission advocates forming partnerships with new entrants to provide specialised and unique data services and Sense is one of those exciting companies in the intelligent meter space. Sense has developed novel technology that […]