DGL acquires freehold property of its chemical manufacturing operation in Victoria
DGL Group Limited a specialist chemicals business that manufactures, transports, stores and processes chemicals and hazardous waste, is pleased to announce the acquisition of a property at 120 Fulton Drive, Derrmiut, Victoria for a total consideration of $5.5mil.

The site houses the head office of Chem Pack Pty Ltd (Chem Pack) and includes warehouse facilities purpose built for the formulation and storage of chemicals. The property is located
approximately 20km from the Melbourne CBD and benefits from access to the main arterials including the Western Freeway and Western Ring Road.
Under the acquisition of Chem Pack, DGL obtained an option to purchase various properties owned by Chem Pack vendors that Chem Pack operates from in Fulton Drive. After completion of relevant due diligence 120 Fulton Drive was selected as the property most crucial to the business of Chem Pack and most complimentary to the broader DGL Group.
The acquisition is in accordance with DGL’s broader strategy to own the specialised sites from which it operates, which also encompasses the relevant licenses that the business requires for
operations, thus ensuring that DGL can design and upgrade the properties to meet the bespoke needs of the business.
Founder and CEO of DGL, Simon Henry, said: “DGL has always had a strong focus on owning its own sites. This allows us to invest for the long term in the capital-intensive infrastructure required for the safe production and management of chemicals. This is not always possible on a leased site.”