High performance internet rolls out in Queensland
A new enterprise-grade internet network is being rolled out in Queensland by leading telco Vastnet to provide regional businesses with an extremely high level of connectivity and security available anywhere in Australia.
Vastnet is gearing-up to connect more businesses throughout Queensland to its high-speed enterprise internet network, following the installation of new advanced communications technologies in Mackay, Gladstone and Toowoomba.

Businesses in regional Australia now have the opportunity to make huge digital leaps with the support of Vastnet, an innovative telco specialising in bespoke internet solutions for regional business through its own independent core network and infrastructure, as well as direct access to new types of fibre.
Vastnet Director David Stevens says the rollout is a major undertaking as businesses in regional parts of Queensland were dealing with some of the slowest legacy connections he had ever come across.
“These are brand new rollouts that require new fibre and microwave technologies to be installed,” he said.
“Our advanced high-speed internet network utilises the latest technologies available to provide fast, reliable internet with unlimited data and scalable bandwidths that expand as our clients’ businesses grow.”
National supply chain company Minemech’s regional branches in Mackay and Gladstone endured “incredibly slow” internet and regular network outages with their previous provider before changing over to Vastnet for their internet and voice services.
Vastnet was able to provide an alternative, superior solution for Minemech in both Mackay and Gladstone by installing new technology infrastructure to increase internet speeds.
Minemech IT Manager Sonia Williamson said Vastnet had greatly improved the company’s internet and voice services at Minemech’s regional branches.
She said business in regional Australia were putting up with inferior internet and voice services because there was an impression that it was all they could get. “We would visit the branches in Gladstone and Mackay and see what they were dealing with; very, very slow internet, and regular network outages that we couldn’t get a resolution for from our previous provider.
“For so many years there was no alternative to the very mediocre solutions that we were getting, but now we have a better solution and in this case the service is literally ten times better than what we were getting before.
“We are now ahead of the game with the technology we’ve put into place with Vastnet.”
As an ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) licensed telco carrier, Vastnet has access to the most up-to-date technologies available to carry its Enterprise Grade Core Network to its business customers in regional Australia.
“Communication is key and it is absolutely unacceptable for any business, no matter what size, to be inflicted with slow, unreliable internet and network outages,”
Mr Stevens added. “Whether it is a small business or a national branch, every business in regional Australia deserves the right to high-speed internet and unlimited data to support business-critical technologies, such as VoIP, video conferencing, digital applications, data storage, and cloud technologies.
“Our team is able to deliver these network specifications to regional and remote businesses by tailoring services with “outside the box” solutions that meet a client’s specific communications and budgetary requirements.”
The Vastnet network utilises a combination of fibre and point to point microwave to achieve a broader reach and a higher level of serviceability and performance for businesses to support their digital operations now and in a digital-first future.
For a smooth transition over to Vastnet, a team of technicians set up the new services for a client in parallel to the existing services to ensure the new network is up and running smoothly before the old network is decommissioned.