Hydraulink group opens Newman branch in response to Pilbara growth

The 24/7 Hydraulink Newman operation in Pardoo St, Newman Light Industrial Area
Leading multinational hydraulic hose, fittings and solutions company Hydraulink has opened a new facility in Newman, WA, to service strong and ongoing mining, construction and commercial and industrial infrastructure development in the Pilbara.
The new franchise – the latest of more than 240 hydraulic hose service points throughout Australia – is led by Mr Kevin Ormond, an award-winning family businessman who has forged strong engineering and service links with leading companies throughout Western Australia over more than a decade, including some of the State’s largest miners.
“We saw a strong place in the market for a service-oriented hydraulic solutions provider with the local facilities to ensure customer equipment uptime is optimised and costly equipment is back in service rapidly,” said Mr Ormond, whose experience includes on-site and FIFO engineering and technical work on WA mine sites, before also developing a strong and ongoing manufacturing and export business to Pilbara companies from his family’s engineering company in New Zealand.
Hydraulink – which operates under the market signature “Best Under Pressure” – has awarded Ormond Engineering multiple achievement awards over successive years and is delighted to have to have Mr Ormond’s highly motivated team join its expanding network, says Hydraulink WA State Manager, Mr Andrew Lever.
“It is outstanding to have Kevin as a team leader who knows thoroughly the needs of WA industry – including prompt and thorough service to optimise reliability and expedite maintenance and repairs, with all work performed to the same uniformly high standards over multiple sites. As someone with long experience in the unique conditions of WA industry, he is strongly aware of the mandatory safety, compliance and traceability performance required in world-class businesses,” he said.
The new branch some 1,250km north of Perth will focus on the needs of the world-class businesses in the region, including iron ore, infrastructure development and civil, industrial and materials handling machinery to which hydraulics are integral.
“Hydraulink is a brand and organisation I am proud to be part of. With the sustained surge in construction development in the Pilbara – involving multiple resources, such as iron ore, lithium and potash, among others – we are well positioned to ensure our customers get the products and services they need, when and where they need them. We have built strong relationships here over the years and have a reputation for getting things done, with excellent parts and service backup,” said Mr Ormond, whose business provides 24/7 service.
Kevin Ormond and his family’s Australian and NZ interests have long been part of the Hydraulink success story as it has unfolded throughout Australasia, the Pacific and Western United States, attracting customers through its can-do ethos and investment in people, technology and training.
“The association with Hydraulink has flourished over time to become integral to how we do business. We value the strong team culture, which puts its people first. This personal commitment and the Hydraulink business model also work well for us,” said Mr Ormond, whose Dad, Vic, has assisted with the Newman setup even though he is retired.