Tyre ban starts 1 December
Australia’s ban on the export of whole baled waste tyres begins on 1 December and exporters requiring a licence to continue to export tyres overseas are encouraged to apply now. |
The export of waste tyres is banned except for: tyres that have been processed into crumbs, buffings, granules or shreds tyres that have been processed into fuel tyres exported for re-treading tyres that will be re-used on vehicles overseas. Acting Deputy Secretary, Environment Reforms, James Tregurtha, said that these types of tyres can be exported, but only when exporters are able to satisfy the requirements of the new regulation. “The Department does have strict criteria that apply to every export licence. “When tyres are exported for re-treading or reuse, suppliers must have evidence of a commercial relationship with an importer or with a verified re-treading facility. “All exporters must also pass a fit and proper person test and declare each consignment to the Department and Australian Border Force,” Mr Tregurtha said. Australia’s waste export ban is world-leading with Australia the only country to have banned the export of its unprocessed waste. Australia has already banned the export of unprocessed glass and mixed plastics. Unprocessed single polymer plastics to be banned from 1 July 2022; and paper and cardboard banned from 1 July 2024. Exporters wishing to apply for a licence should go to https://rawr.awe.gov.au/ |