Where do you read your news?
-Doug Green, Publisher, Australian Manufacturing News.

I read my news on SMH,AFR, The Australian, FT, The Guardian and The Washington Post. I do not read news on Facebook.
So no news on Facebook is not a big deal to me. I support the actions of the Australian government, which may well be a wake up call for democracies around the world.
Facebook needs to realise that news was one of the few credible ‘offerings’ it providers its followers. A lot of the other stuff they carry is not that relevant. (If I want to know what flavour cake my sister is baking on Sunday I’ll phone her!).
We can applaud government for the strong stand they have taken with Facebook. This is bigger than The Ashes or Fitzroy moving to Brisbane.
As change is met and challenged with Covid-19, so will be the case with this issue. A new form will develop we will be better off with, leaving us to wonder why we put up with this nonsense from Facebook at all.