Air quality: ACOEM Group merges with Indo-Australian company Ecotech
ACOEM Group (EUR 62 million revenue, 450 employees) announces its merger with Ecotech, Indo-Australian specialist in air quality monitoring (EUR 24 million revenue, 220 employees). ACOEM Group’s mission is to help companies and public authorities limit their environmental impact, offering products and services that enable them to prevent noise and vibration pollution, improve air quality, and increase the productivity and reliability of industrial machines. Leveraging this merger as well as its positioning in the high-growth market for monitoring environmental parameters, ACOEM Group seeks to double its sales revenue by 2020. “The extensive expertise Ecotech possesses in air quality complements our well-established know-how in acoustics and vibration, making the ACOEM Group the world’s first company to position itself in the measurement, analysis, and control of all types of environmental parameters,” says Fabien Condemine, CEO, ACOEM Group. “Our merger with Ecotech also enables us to speed up our international growth, notably by opening markets in Australia, India, and Southeast Asia.” “Joining the ACOEM Group is an opportunity for Ecotech to continue its growth, participating in the international success of a group that shares our vision and common values,” says Nicholas Dal Sasso, Managing Director at Ecotech. This external growth operation is consistent with the ACOEM Group’s strong growth over the past five years (from EUR 40 million revenue in 2011 to EUR 62 million in 2015), and it supports a development strategy that seeks to make ACOEM Group the worldwide leader in monitoring environmental parameters. This merger will enable both companies to leverage their expertise and positioning: – Ecotech will develop its expertise in air quality over all the zones covered by ACOEM Group, notably Europe, North America, and Brazil. – ACOEM Group will develop its expertise related to noise and vibration pollution in all the zones covered by Ecotech, notably Australia, […]