Site Safety Alliance Toolbox Talk addresses the hidden mental minefield of COVID-19 impacts
Site Safety Alliance’s new HEADSPACE Covid-19 Toolbox Talk addresses the hidden impacts of Covid-19 – the effects it can have on the mental health and wellbeing of tradies who may be facing increased financial, family and home pressures during these unusual circumstances.

As Australia emerges from isolation and lockdown measures, mental health impacts are shaping up to be the biggest issue facing the nation.
Internationally recognised mathematical modelling by the University of Sydney has suggested 750 additional lives could be lost to suicide each year for the next five years*. One in four of these deaths will be in young people. And that’s just one statistic, with depression, anxiety and other mental health issues causing increased strain for so many Australians.
A company dedicated to providing engaging safety messages to construction sites Australia-wide, Site Safety Alliance, has introduced a special “HEADSPACE Covid-19” Toolbox Talk pack to help companies address the mental minefield of Covid-19 impacts on workers, including financial strain, family issues and increased pressures at home.
The special ‘Headspace Covid-19’ Toolbox Talk packs are available immediately for building, construction and infrastructure companies looking to support the safety and mental wellbeing of their workers. They are designed to ensure that workers feel that support is available to them if they feel more stressed and distracted at this time.
Site Safety Alliance, which typically supplies comprehensive monthly Toolbox Talk packs to the building and construction industry, has prepared and produced specific content for site managers and safety managers to support workers on site who might be finding it difficult to cope with increased pressure or a change in routine created by the current circumstances.
“We know this situation is only temporary, but we need to make sure we all stay focused and remain vigilant around site safety. Covid-19 has brought numerous additional procedures to the everyday workings of a site and while everyone is complying with these requirements, we should continue to reinforce our ongoing focus on safety and wellbeing of our workforces during this time.” says Site Safety Alliance Co-Founder Garry Mansfield, who has more than 15 years’ experience in executive safety roles in the construction industry.
“These are strange and sometimes stressful times for everyone. Mental wellbeing on site is imperative to ensure that incident Hydraulink Port Macquarie joins the Coalition of Kindness supporting the brave helpers during the Covid-19 pandemic s do not occur through distraction or lapse of focus, while the site gets on with its productive day-to-day activity,” said Mr Mansfield.
“To their credit, the construction industry and the Australian Government have both supplied ample information to the sites about the physical management of the virus, but what Site Safety Alliance adds to this is an understanding of the mounting pressure being felt by workers and teams, which can take its toll on mental health. We have a number of resources for construction sites to assist workers with maintaining wellbeing during COVID-19, and maintaining it once the virus has gone,” he said.
Site Safety Alliance Toolbox Talks
Site Safety Alliance’s Toolbox Talk packs are designed to provide clear messaging to construction site staff, so that all workers feel engaged in a culture of safety and looking out for each other’s mental and physical wellbeing.
“These talk packages save time and cost by providing site managers with everything they need to present an engaging, effective and consistent safety and wellbeing message for one or multiple sites,” said Mr Mansfield.
Site Safety Alliance Co-Founder, Michael Blumberg, says that what sets their messaging apart is that it’s not ‘telling’ workers ‘what to do’, but instead, it’s engaging them in the content and connecting them in positive ways to the messaging.
Mr Blumberg has more than 30 years of experience in behavioural marketing and advertising, and has spent the last 5 years focusing particularly on the construction industry as CEO of Target Tradies, the on-site visitation company focussed on safety and wellbeing of the workforce.
“It’s important to note that all the Toolbox Talk pack programs are designed to create engagement and conversation between workers and manager around important safety and wellbeing issues on site. By achieving this, the Site Safety Alliance platform encourages positive dialogue that can translate into meaningful change,” said Mr Blumberg.
*Reported on ABC’s Radio National, 11 May 2020,
**Reported on ABC news online, 18 May 2020
About Site Safety Alliance
Site Safety Alliance was developed to give construction and infrastructure site managers and supervisors the tools and messaging they need to create a culture of safety and physical and mental wellbeing.