Clean H2 Steam for Australia
North America based Jericho Energy Ventures Inc. and Australia’s LINE Hydrogen (Australia) Pty Ltd (LINE Hydrogen) are bringing to Australia leading hydrogen boiler technology, DCC Boiler. Hydrogen Technologies, a wholly owned subsidiary of JEV, has patented a breakthrough method for burning hydrogen and oxygen in a vacuum chamber to create high-temperature water and steam with zero greenhouse gases. With the only by-product being water, the Dynamic Combustion Chamber Boiler (DCC Boiler) harnesses the power of hydrogen for commercial heating, hot water and industrial steam boiler applications. In an Australian first, LINE Hydrogen and JEV will collaborate to bring DCC Boilers to Australia. LINE Hydrogen will also provide JEV and customers with a priority supply of green hydrogen and look to enter into Offtake Agreements for the supply of LINE Hydrogen’s green hydrogen produced at the George Town Green Hydrogen Plant. It is expected that industry partners will be announced in the coming months with the first DCC Boiler expected to be installed and commissioned in Tasmania in 2023 to match LINE Hydrogen’s green hydrogen production. Brian Williamson, CEO of JEV, said “Change starts with the end-user, and our zero-emission DCC Boiler delivers immediate emission reductions that is the catalyst for decarbonisation hubs. “We’re incredibly excited to work with LINE Hydrogen as we continue to transition to a clean energy future. By partnering up with LINE Hydrogen, we can provide end-users with surety of supply to make the transition to clean energy a win-win.” Each DCC Boiler installed removes the CO2 equivalent of 2,500 cars per annum (or about 4,400 tons of CO2 per annum). The parties will build a consortium of end users. LINE Hydrogen will also investigate advanced manufacturing opportunities to manufacture the DCC Boiler in either Tasmania or elsewhere in Australia. LINE Hydrogen’s Managing Director, Gina Bozinovski, said […]