Q & A:Graeme Sheekey
General Manager, Operations and Business Development, The Chamberlain Group.

How have you found the business landscape in 2022 for Grifco?
There were inevitably many challenges that the industry faced due to COVID, such as
shipping delays and rising costs, however I am proud to say that Grifco has had a record
year with 20+% volume growth.
What does your day-to-day involve?
I wear many hats as I manage inventory and distribution for our seven facilities in
Australia, New Zealand and Middle East.
I am also responsible for the purchasing of raw materials and finished goods from
around the world, the manufacturing facility at West Gosford, driving growth into new
regions including Middle East and USA, and leading our sustainability strategy.
Why do you think Chamberlain Group won Central Coast Business of the Year?
I believe it was due to our incredible people and continuous improvement culture – our
motto is “Relentless Pursuit of Excellence”. This covers all aspects in everything that we
do. We have set the bar high to be the best.
Even though we have been recognised as the Central Coast Business of the Year, we
still see many opportunities to improve. I think one of the main reasons is that we are a
manufacturing facility pushing all aspects of sustainability. Doesn’t matter what business
you are in – we can all make a difference.
Can you tell me about Grifco’s sustainability roadmap?
We want to do our part in looking after the environment, our local community and our
staff. We have set goals to be carbon neutral, plastic free, use recyclable materials, and
have set a goal to become a zero waste to landfill manufacturing facility by 2025.
We are well on our way to achieving all of our goals.
Where do you see areas of growth for your business?
We strive to continue to be the market leader in Australia, introduce innovative new
products, and expand into new countries. We “make access simple” by supplying the
best products on the market to automate your residential or commercial roller door and
How are you finding staff retention and recruitment?
Personally, this is the most difficult market I have ever experienced. Grifco has navigated
the last few years by fostering incredible talent internally and hiring youth in
apprenticeship and trainee programs.
What are your tips for being a good leader in business?
You have two ears and one mouth – so use them wisely. Work with your team, empower
your staff to be involved in the business, be open and honest, earn their respect and
share your vision and strategy. I believe that you can’t do anything alone – instead – you
can achieve great things if you unlock the diversity of talent in your team.
What is your ‘blue sky’ vision for Grifco?
We strive to be a world-class gearbox manufacturer and be globally competitive in
everything we do, and continue to set the benchmark for Australian manufacturing.